The Furry Adventures and Tales of Flippy-Floppy Mopsy-Boo

The Furry Adventures and Tales of Flippy-Floppy Mopsy-Boo is a wonderful series of adventurous tales about a young angora rabbit, Flippy-Floppy Mopsy-Boo. With parents, grandparents and friends (both kids and feathered and furry ones, including: Luigi, the miniature Sicilian donkey, and Bella, the sea turtle), Flippy-Floppy Mopsy-Boo travels and experiences lots of wonderful adventures. 

Through the bunny's day-to-day adventures, Flippy-Floppy Mopsy-Boo learns important lessons about life, love, family, friends, compassion and kindness ... 

In this tale (the 7th book in the series), Flippy-Floppy Mopsy-Boo celebrates Valentine's Day with family and friends and learns that love is universal. We also learn that bunny kisses & hugs are wonderful! 

Perfect for parents to read aloud to pre-readers (from 0 to 5).

The book series can be purchased on Amazon. Follow this link for the Valentine's Day story: